Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wait. Valentine's Day? Crap.

I have never been single on Valentine's Day.  The more I think about that, the more ridiculous it sounds.  This year will be very different.  I have a date with my lovely friend Lauren, and we've made the plan to drink hot cocoa and talk about anything other than romance.  Which means we'll most likely complain the whole time about dating.  Awesome.

Yikes, I'd better go buy my Valentine's cards. 
My friends will be so jealous... until they get one.

I think it's better to show someone how much you care about them with small gestures everyday, rather than expensive ones on holidays.  Remember- and I'm not ashamed to get a little cynical here- we spend millions of dollars buying into what V-Day has become.  Liiike, what happened to the lost art of making Valentines?  That's cool.

Show your whatever-you-wanna-call-them some lovin' year round, yo.
It's cardboard.  You can deal.

[While I hate tutorials and/or articles on how to 'Win Him Over', the picture
 from a particular site was important.]  
Don't be a brat. Watch a little competitive sports now and then if your bed buddy thinks it's cool.
He just bought you tampons.  And it's actually pretty fun.

I'm the last person to give relaish advice, so I'll stick to my original theme, here.
I don't need flowers or candy.
Just the magnificent 2011 Nike Air Max 90s Valentine's.
[these beauties are a few years older] No, really.

I love love.  Love it.  Can't get enough of the mushy sentiment.  I just wouldn't want to pay a bucket of cash for something store-bought just because I'm obligated.  I'd take that money and make something.  I'd plan a badass trip to Fiji.  I'd even consider ditching the gift and instead, do what these guys do--

Maybe next year.

1 comment:

Organic Meatbag said...

Spider Man valentines??? Geeeez...What does he say? "Let me catch you in my sticky web, Valentine!"??? Ewwwwwww...


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