Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hello, Strangers

Been quite a while since my last post.  

Things have been a bit crazy in my posted-up-ness here in Cambridge.  I took a trip to the old Emergency Department on Friday afternoon, to try and figure out why I have been so nauseous lately.  I started a new med last month and stopped it two weeks into treatment because it made me feel sick to my stomach, but ceasing the drug didn't make those awful feelings go away.

It turns out that there's been a pretty nasty virus going around Boston.  People have been in and out of the ED with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, dizziness and fevers.  Unfortunately for people like me, with Autoimmune Disorders, viruses like these can do much more damage.  My body suffers a lot more than someone who isn't sick.

The amazing thing? These symptoms DO NOT seem like flare symptoms.  There is no blood, and minimal cramping.  What's happening seems to be virus only, and I am praying as hard as I can that they are!

Some of this is a bit embarrassing, but I always offer full detail in my fight against Crohn's Crap.  
In the hospital, nurses help you with sponge baths.  Here at home, I have been too weak to stand so long in the shower, so I set up a home sponge bath station of my own.  

I also recommend spending as much time as you can in open sunlight.  It's healing!
Pup and I open our bedroom window and expose our bellies to the light!  It feels good and makes the pain go away, if only for a few minutes at a time. :)

I've been cooking when I have energy in the day, and eggs are always amazing!
Add your favorite fresh fruit, and your tum will thank you...

So, while trying to keep from heaving while this virus wreaks havoc on my system, I am moving around with the energy that I do have and fill my body with things that will help me to feel soo much better.

Are you taking care of your bod?
Have a great weekend!


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