Thursday, March 22, 2012

Go On And Wander

I ventured out a few times this week, on trains, buses, and foot, to numerous places around Boston.  It's awesome to get out again.  The weather is wonderful and Cosmo and I have welcomed the opportunity to jump back into the swing of things.  Our 'swing of things' is a bit different than yours, but I'm sure we are seeing some of the same lovely sights that you are in the  awesome spring sunshine.

Train stations always made me a bit nervous, having lived in Florida for so long.  Transportation was a whole new World when I got to this city.  Nowadays, I can climb into a crowded train without hesitation.  The people watching is absolutely superb, and if you know to keep your things close to you and avoid creeps [which I have actually not even had personal interaction with], you'll be just fine, too.  Even my pup keeps a positive attitude.  We have a lot of fun zipping around from station to station, mainly exploring and finding new places to visit because our strength is back up, up, up!

The other day in the Porter Square T Station, I stumbled upon a pretty cool operation.  Someone had left numerous books on two long shelves, as if to offer them to passersby.  I thought, 'What a cool idea!', and wondered who was so awesome, to leave books there for takers, with a small jar for the amount of money that the purchaser felt necessary to leave for what they took.  So cool.
[There was a whole other side that had books lined up, too!]

If I could have afforded to, I would have left some money in the jar for who had left it there, just for giving people the opportunity to read good books.  Reading is one amazing thing that we can give ourselves that really means something.  We can become so many amazing things with the opportunities that we have in this country and in our educational resources.  I'm really thankful for that, and plan to exercise my right to power up my knowledge.

You can find some really awesome things when you're not looking for them.  You could probably sit on a damn bench and just watch things roll by that teach you lessons.  Another gift we have is the ability to close our mouths- and open our eyes and ears, to get out there and experience. 

Go on.  Go.  It's nice outside. 

Side note: I just finished The Catcher In The Rye.  I thought it was adorable.  I had never read it, and I thought it was cool to see things from the perspective of a teenage boy.  Not being sure about what you want to do in life, not even really being sure if your feelings are straight.  I could really relate.  Because this starting over thing, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes...  even on the sunniest of days.  Though I don't look it much these days , at least I'm past that whole puberty thing.

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