Friday, March 16, 2012


Everything happens for a reason.

Is this something that you believe to be true?  How many times have you been able to look up from a less than fulfilling situation with those words hot on your lips?  It may take a while, but you could always get to a place after a great deal of stress where you may be able to say those words and mean them.

When we experience hardships, and we can't ask, 'Why?  What did I do?', letting these hardships sink in as bumps in the road can be super hard.  To be able to take things as they come shows huge strength of character.  Not enough of us show that when it is most important.  But we do show our teeth.

As not much of a surprise, my pup has shown me another valuable life lesson recently.  When I attempt to clean him, move him, keep him from certain doom, he shows his teeth.  I am being generous when I say teeth.  It's more like one teeny k9 tooth as if to say, 'I know what you're doing.  I know that it's going to be good for me.  I may even be thankful.  But I don't like you making this decision for me.' Who would?  When we can't make our own decisions, it feels crappy.  Especially when we're sick.  I hate knowing that seeing chocolate cake will trigger something horrifying within my soul that will either fizzle at the thought of pooping all night or, make me become so ravenous that I have no choice but to throw my entire body into the frosting.  What keeps me from making awful decisions, like not listening to me body, is the responsibility I have to keep it as healthy as I can. 

I'm sick.  There's a chance that I could always be flaring.  The Reason?

I don't know yet.
But it probably has something to do with talking about it to people like you.  Hemorrhoids and all.
Thanks for reading.  Remember that when the people close to you are honest with you about what you may be doing wrong, they voice it because they care.  So put those teeth away for a second and ask yourself who deserves to be snarled at.  I struggle with  this, so I'm giving you a pretty handy tool, here: Lovers gonna love. 

So shut up and let 'em.
And be thankful.

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