Saturday, January 29, 2011

Secret Recipe

These days, I have been thinking very much about the individual make up of the people that I know and care about.  Images of pie charts, character measurements and percentages fly around in my mind as if each of my friends had been put together in some futuristic, creepy cooking tutorial.  I wish we could see just what people are made up of before speaking with them.  Like understanding the glowing shapes above a Sim or reading strengths/weaknesses of a World of Warcraft avatar.  Shut up.  

Online dating is ridiculous.  I am guilty of knowing this information first-hand.  Blind dates?  Ugh. Michele and I were out for tea at my favorite Tea Spa last night...

When we overheard two people worth listening to (people watching has become one of my favorite things to do).  At first glance, one could possibly take in that these two were on some kind of work related outing, but as we eavesdropped, we discovered that this was none other than a very awkward, very first date.

I carry around a small silicone elephant in my coat pocket.  Michele has a dinosaur.  They're for luck.  We all have our things.
[insert loud elephant sound here]

I used my elephant to disguise the fact that I snapped this shot of the aforementioned pair.  I had to show just what I was planning to write about, and I never said I wasn't creepy.**  
I started to imagine what these people were made up of.  She was 16% naive. 29% ambitious. Add an unknown percentage of Asian in, as well.  And this guy. 4 cups of loyalty with a few sticks of bummer and teaspoon of impatient.

Hearing them speak to each other was painful.  He went on about an old injury after forgetting to bring her tea with him when he brought his own to the table.  She cleared her throat with frustration, I'd like to say, 7 times.  We laughed.  But it's comical to ponder.  People are SO different.  We act differently, speak differently, walk, take whizzes and perceive differently.  

Think of it this way, we've each got a mixing bowl.  Mine just so happens to be large and purple, and was glazed with glitter.  No matter who you are, or where you're from, your ingredients make you.  Human interaction is one of the most fascinating things that we are fortunate enough to witness and experience.  And I love to watch as peanut butter gets into chocolate, or chocolate spills onto peanut butter.  

**Creepy is my middle name.

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