Thursday, February 3, 2011

Play it Again

I've never been a fan of re-makes.  I just haven't.  I feel an original creation is, in most cases, untouchable.  And if it is to be touched, it should be done juuust so, and held in the highest regard so that the integrity and authenticity of the original piece is left there somewhere, not wasted or hacked to smitherines.  Disclaimer: Most of what I adore (and am seconds from writing about) is Geek oriented.  If you don't share love for Science Fiction, check back next blog.  Loser.

Writers once knew the importance of boldly going where no one had gone before.
The original
Holds a Vulcan Death Grip around my heart.

Not only was this the millionth remake, but it was accurate and the graphics were SICK.
Also: Capt. James T and his Vulcan counterpart were pretty damn easy on the eyes if I do say so.  And I do say so.


ANY variation of the Batman comic-turned-tv show-turned-
animates series', video game and movie franchise.
While many directors feel the need to build upon this story, some of the films have quickly become dated... so why is it that you've seen every single one of them?  Because Batman RULES ALL.  
That's why.

Oh, Hitchcock.  The genius that gave us pure, terrifying and original psychological thrill.

His films were innovative and compelling.  
Not to mention seriously effed.
 Both Psycho, and Gus Van Sant's version of the 1960 Horror classic, filmed in 1998, were excellently done.  I'll be frank: I was never a Heche fan.  Kudos for killing off the pseudo lesbian.

Now some examples of remakes gone awry.
Terribly awry.
Dear God... why??

I don't care who you are, please don't try to play a character that could only be brought to life by Audrey Hepburn.  Pleaaaase.

Nope.  Nope.  I'm sorry, Peter Jackson.
King Kong should have died [for the last time] when the ride was shut down at Universal Studios theme park in Orlando.  You did worrrlds better with Transformers

While I'm on an authenticity rant-
What the crap is up with numerous recording artists sampling so many 80s songs lately?  Is Kanye hosting an online tutorial??

Alright, so some remakes are pretty good.  SOME.  Imitation is the highest form of flattery, and for musicians and directors to have the grapes to even attempt to put their stuff up against the old pros is impressive.  I can respect that.  But if anyone else remakes an Audrey Hepburn film, I'll be bitter as hell.

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