Thursday, April 28, 2011

Money... It's A Gas

As an independent woman, living states away from her family, I have grown to be self-sufficient in my mid-to-late twenties. As a Crohn's patient, I feel as though I have regressed immeasurably. Hospital stays, procedures, and numerous Doctor's visits are bogging me down with a final financial tally that I can't bare to look at.  

Every time I check the mail after working my gutsy way through a flare, I silently prepare myself for something that I may not necessarily want to see, or understand how to handle. I breathe deeply, and try to set aside any irrational emotions.  It's very easy to become angry, scared, or very very sad when you're primarily concentrating on getting better, but are faced with financial issues that you are forced to put on the back burner while you do so.

The most important thing that I remind myself of-- is that I can't afford to get sick again.
It's time to be smart, work toward long-term success by working the small-time circuit for a while. Hospitals will have to wait for payment, my landlord will have to watch as what I owe gets a little bigger before I can make a major dent in it, and while I attempt to keep my cool while watching the negative numbers grow, I will smile knowing that it should feel just a little better worrying about money, than worrying if I'd make it out of whatever wing I could be admitted to if I let this stress grow.

Its time to use some strategy. Time to

fightlikeagirlshirts-Crohns Support Ribbon-1-33

Because you haven't seen tough yet.

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