Monday, August 22, 2011

To Do-Doo

Heh.  Doo-doo.
So for all of you that lead the normal, productive lives of working citizens, achieving your goals can be a pain in the butt.  But, there are also things that you're ordinarily able to knock out throughout your days without complication.  Like most Crohn's patients, I have found that picking tasks to accomplish can be absurdly difficult.  Will too much energy be used on one thing, hindering me from getting to another?  Let's take a look at the duties that would make me happy to carry-out, should I be able to add them to my desired To-Do list, and just how many Spoons each might take.
[if this last part doesn't make sense, please click here for the Spoon Theory.  You'll be glad you did.]

First, I'd Heal The World.
You know, make it a better place.  For you and for me, and the entire Human Race.
-On the Spoon Count though, it would probably take at least a few month's worth.  Maybe I'll just revisit this in the future.  Kind of a feat, anyway...

I'd finally get myself trained for that Boston Marathon.  
It can't be that long of a process, right?  I've been okay with making it downstairs to get the mail.
-Spoons. Okay... quite a few.  Yikes.  Props to those runners, huh?

Oh, oh, I'd get those College Degrees I've been meaning to make it to working for.
But... as I've written in the past, it isn't quite so simple to sign on for something like that if you're not in Remission.  Hm.  Lots of Spoons.

Maybe start my own business!  Yeah, that'd be sweet.  Sell my work and hang out with beautiful, talented people who live to go on coffee and cookie runs for me all day from my own eclectically decorated studio. 
[via furnnish]
-I guess I'd need some start up funds for something like that.  And maybe a larger body of work that would take some time to build up.  And most likely, more spoons than I could carry all at once.  Something to think about.

I guess these things are bigger than I thought.
I suppose understanding how large they are can prepare me and help me to remember that no task is small.  Being home most days, working toward healing, toward Remission, is no easy job.  If you are sick and can't see past it now, rest assured that you will

I take pride in making the little things count.  Because really, those small things are actually really big steps that will get me to where I want to be, whenever that may be.

Until then, small steps aren't so bad.  I can hold on to more spoons that way.  Not to mention, I'm already done with wrapping up to put shoes on.  Footsies are fine these days!  Hooray for the Fall and Boots!

[thanks again, Shoe Girl]
Hot damn, I want these puppies.  Just hope these little cankles will hold up when I try to walk in 'em.

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