Saturday, September 10, 2011

Clap Your Hands Say Jerk

For some time, my bedroom has been my work space, movie theater, arcade, soap box, and drug den.  Yes, drug den.  I am, of course, referring to the collection of meds on my night stand.  Yeah.

Today I went to Harvard Square and worked from a prime people-watching spot on the second floor of the Starbucks there.  Packed some snacks and proceeded to let the creative juices flow.

I was sitting next to a pre-med student who I got the opportunity to strike up a conversation with about preventative medicine.  It was refreshing to meet someone going into the medical community with the attitude that we should be taking better care of our bodies before seeking help from doctors on how to do so.  Good stuff.  I started feeling dizzy, prednisone has been getting the better of me lately... so Steve and I made our way back to Somerville.  

It makes me feel good to get out, even when after sitting for too long at a table in a coffee shop I can't stand again right away without swollen legs.  Harvard Square is an awesome place to post up and creep people, even if you're fitting some work in between awkward glances.  

P.S.- My helpful piece of advice for the day is to clap when someone performing [even in a coffee shop] ends their song or set.  I shared these words with a snide tea-drinking-mac-toting brat before I left my table, in regard to a duo performing some cover songs.

Me- [Clapping] 'How about we clap, guys? Yeah!'

Boy- 'They aren't very good...' 

Me- 'What?'

Boy- 'They aren't very good.'

Me- 'They're still playing for people.'

Boy- 'It's like false hope.'

Me- 'No it isn't.  It's paying respect.  It's not easy getting up there.'

Because sometimes, it isn't.  

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