Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hold It, Hollld It...

Supreme case of the Ouchies today.

I've been trying some deep breathing lately [belly breathing!], and I find that it helps tremendously.  If you are experiencing any pain that effects you enough to make you wanna barf- I suggest trying this pain-relief tactic.

check it out:

But-- if you're experiencing barf-inducing pain and don't know that it's from your Bogus Crohn's Disease [like I do], mayyybe you go the the Emergency Room, huh? 

Let's look at how people are using correct breathing to benefit health and well being!

I love the euphoric feeling after a great Bikram session.

Breathing right will make you sound better.
Vocalists and performers use super valuable breathing techniques to hone their craft.

Some say that the key to avoiding stress lies in meditating.  I have yet to try this, but some pals have said it's awesome.

Sooon, the air outside will be crisp again, and I'm excited for it!  And I'll find myself angry that I ever said that!

212 Days!

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