Monday, January 23, 2012

How To Get Your Ph.C

From time to time, I find frustration in that there is such a small amount that people seem to really research their own sicknesses.  There is no cure for Crohn's Disease.  I know that when I eat something, there is a risk of it hurting my body.  I know that when I am tired, I should sleep.  If I don't, I could end up stuck in bed for days.  I know that when choosing what to drink, staying away from sodas and sugary 'juices' is the way to go.  To me, this seems like it should be common knowledge.  I know people who are three times my age who don't seem to try living by a standard that will keep them safe.  I have even spoken with some who's children are sick and have been placed on some serious meds without first further exploring other options. [I will say that if my little one was sick, and I didn't know much about the disease, I might listen to a Doctor's orders too, NO shame there... until that treatment didn't work and something else could have been done.]

When did it become okay for our culture to rely so heavily on our Medical Professionals?  I love my Gastrointerologist.  I truly love her.  But we butt heads sometimes.  I haven't always had physicians who would listen to my ideas the way that she does, but they have always been able to teach me something.  The truth is though, that they see tons of people a day, and can only be not even half of the attention that you need.  You must be the other half.

What I didn't learn from my GI Specialists, I learned for myself.  I did years of research alone, and with my super supportive Mom.  I've connected with other people who are sick, and asked what felt like a billion questions.  I am sick again, and when frustration sets in, you only want to feel relief.  Another drug?  Okay, I guess I'll try it.

The last time I took a drug without serious research, it sent me into a flare.  I was even able to confirm this with my lovely Doc.  What gets me though, is the lack of self-teaching we do in this country.  There are heaps of people who care a great deal to know about their sicknesses, and I admire them for their courage and duty.  The rest?  The CCFA can't help you, that steroid won't cure you, and I swear that if you don't put down that doughnut I will kick you in the guts myself.  Because you can do something to help your struggle.

You can LEARN for yourself.

Rant over.  Now, please go to the Library.  I'll meet you, because I'm no pro either.

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