Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mad Skillz

He batted his eyes and asked, "Is there anything you can't do?"

[probably one of the nicest things I've heard in a long time, and this person probably didn't even realize it]
I can't do a large number of things.  I actually started to list them to myself, and it sucked.  I don't like that I can get a bit negative about them.  I know that I have a lot to learn about life... But for now, I'm good at:

I adore it.  I can go, and go, and go... my mind is clear and I take in every little thing around me.  I usually set this experience to a beautiful music choice, and before I know it I'm far from home.
I've even gotten some pals into it. 

Believing in things
I have strong faith in the things that I love, and the people that I trust.
I'm good at that.  It feels good.

Shape shifting
Psych.  But it'd be my super power of choice.

Calming you 
I listen.  And when someone's hurting or stressed, it makes me feel good to talk them down again.  I like reminding people that there are still things to be happy about.
  I'll put jam on your nose.
Bonus combo points if you get that reference.

Being a Dog Person
But, I can't take credit for that because it's sooooooooo easy.

Good God, am I talented.  And humble, too.

Dealing with, and HEALING my Crohn's Disease- 
on my own.
It's not easy.
AT ALL.  But I'm so close to remission, I can taste it.  It's extremely difficult to change your entire life to fight a disease.  I'll never take my life for granted.  I have tremendous respect for anyone doing the same.  Nothing can touch us.  Not even our sicknesses.
Stay tough.  You're amazing.

Untying Knots
This includes separating necklaces that tangle in a jewelry box.
[I actually really like doing this]

I feel a burning to make the creatures that I think up real.

Sticking up for someone
I don't care how big the bully is.  I fight for anyone who needs help.
Bring it.

Being Creepy
[should I have left this one out, ya think?]

Eying things
Artists have an eye for specific things.  Shape, balance, symmetry.  I like that I am usually semi-accurate in my guestimations. 

Speaking of Balance...
Before I was sick [I'm still rebuilding strength], I had incredible balance.  I love yoga, pilates, and dance.  I never lost my footing.  Until the snow fell.

Making you laugh
Before I got sucked into the life of a lowly waitress, I had dreams of making it to SNL.  I am silly.  So silly, and it feels so good.  When I'm being an idiot [with amazing comedic timing], I make people giggle.  You don't stand a chance.

I am far from accomplishing life goals that I have set for myself.  But when you focus on the things that you are successful in, or proud of, you're reminded that you're a pretty special person.  And you can do anything that you want to.

What are you good at?

1 comment:

JordyC said...

I'm good at surviving in places other humans feel are inhospitable: remote foreign countries, fly-over states, my job. But surviving is only step one. Once you stop worrying about that, you have to have to...or you start worrying about surviving again.


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