Monday, September 5, 2011

Morning Would

Today is Monday.  The start of the week, the morning during which we prepare ourselves for projects and pull together the teeny pieces of a working attitude.

Okay, it is technically a holiday, but still the start of a workweek.  And I would be working if I could, but sitting at my desk reading up on celebrity gossip while cramming scrambled eggs in my face will have to do for today...  I am extremely excited to start a new posish, though!  Managing New Black Studio in Somerville!  It is a Photography/ Video studio located within the eclectic walls of a collective called Fringe.  This building is home to creative, intelligent, super hard- working and fun-loving people who make it feel so homeeeey.  I have gotten to know them during these last months, and am happy to be able to join the group. 
Come check this place out!

In Poop news:  I'm seeing my Dr. this week... I am anticipating a speech about how I should be starting Remicade or 6mp.  I'm still sticking to my guns and trying to work this out my way, naturally.  It will take longer, it will be harder, and I will experience more pain this way while I regulate a diet that is more experimental than anything else.  I know this, and I am ready to ride things out on the bumpy road the way that I have always chosen to.  There are good days and bad, but I believe that what I am doing is right.  Should I need emergency medical care, and a swift kick in the ass from the Universe, I know where to find it. 

My cousin SAMANTHA is coming today from Providence!!

She's super pretty, and she drinks like a fish!

1 comment:

edakiss said...

that is so awesome durf! wanna switch jobs?!?!? that studio looks killer!!! hope this job and the people you are around open new doors, creativity and adventures for you!!!!!!


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