Saturday, March 17, 2012

Taking My Squirrely Time

How does one hit the ground running?

I'd like to spend my days working, seeing pals, creating a massive sculpture of an Iguanodon or even running again.  After being so sick, I must work slowly to get back into any routine that will require too much energy.  The question in my mind right now is, 'What will I do while I'm waiting around for the strength?'. 

I've been thinking about this for so long, and I feel like when I get a super awesome idea, I remember how long each step will take... and I get discouraged.  Seriously, all I HAVE is time.  Steven is away on biz, [shooting for Chrysler!] and while he's gone I am taking some time to research my options.  I found a therapist who works with folks with chronic illnesses, hooked up with a couple of new doctors that check in on me while my GI Specialist is away on maternity leave, and have a gym membership to rebuild my little body.  I think it will be fun to add little things into my routine every once in a while, too.  My Remicade treatments are going okay so far [aside from some semi-routine complications], and I feel my symptoms being frightened away little by little.  If it works, I'll be steroid-free in a few months and receiving my infusions every 8 weeks.  After some months of this routine, I might be able to think about going back to school.  Mayyybe.  Working in Veterinary Care is something that I've waited to look into for a very long time.
What's another year?  

Base jumping will have to wait.  I've ordered my flying squirrel suit and having my name embroidered name on the chest takes six weeks, anyway.

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