Sunday, April 24, 2011

What I Learned This Easter

Some very important things to remember for next year...

-Don't forget a change of clothes, or wear a white shirt, when you're knowingly attending a gathering that holds an annual squirt gun & water balloon fight (You WILL get caught in the crossfire.)

(And you WILL start a sing-along to the theme from the commercial for the game Crossfire.).

-While you're at working on your water fight etiquette, do yourself a favor and DO NOT underestimate the power of a little girl with a plastic toy gun.

-God made dirt, and it don't hurt.

-With Stuffing, for Vegetarians, sacrifice really is the name of the game.

-Never let remnants of a large, delicious chocolate bunny go to waste by washing the melted bits from your fingertips.

-I have baby fever and want to pick up, kiss, and sob all over any small child I see.  Um, what?

-When numerous dogs are together, it doesn't matter HOW much training they've had, you WILL be knocked over into a pile of mud and/or french kissed trying to break up their hump-fest.

-My family is CAPITAL-A for awesome.

-And the Super Mullet was the best thing to come out of the 90's.

Hope your day was as kick-ass as mine was.
Buona Pasqua!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Er, Dear Daughter, I noticed that when you posted this pic you either forgot to (or flat out REFUSED to) inform others of the obvious fact that the females in our family would never even CONTEMPLATE dropping a cookie, even while under enemy fire! lol & xoxo


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