Okay Guys, here's a quick update to get you up to speed on some stuff since my last scary post about LGSIL.
I had a colposcopy, and it wasn't awful at all. Having anyone down there looking at your business is awkward, especially if you're part of a teaching hospital [Have I got stories...], but when I got to BIDMC and had questions for the OBGYN, they were answered with smiles and a bit of giggling. If you're a patient, and you're in for some not-so-comfy stuff, having a sense of humor about it not only makes you feel a lot better, but it helps to put nursing staff at ease. Makes for a pretty fun appointment, even if you're a little scared.
Luckily, I didn't even need to have a biopsy of my cervix taken. Seriously happy about that, because I had mixed stories about the amount of pain felt during that particular part of the colposcopy. Endless thanks again to the lades that helped me to understand what was going to happen, seems to be a fairly common occurrence among young women these days.
Vag news aside, I am struggling with something called Peripheral Neuropathy. I was taking two pretty heinous antibiotics for a colon infection that landed me in the hospital a couple months back, and this unfortunate ailment is a common side effect. My feet and mid-calf areas of both of my legs are painfully tingly. My skin is sensitive to temperature and pressure, and both of my legs spasm. It's been keeping me up at night, and hurts something fierce. I was prescribed what was once an anti-epileptic drug that is now used for nerve damage, but I decided to explore holistic options instead. I mean, I got this weird ass condition from a drug that I took to fix something else in the first place. Eff all that noise. I've been reading a great deal about R-Alpha Lipoic Acid and it's work against nerve issues. I went to Cambridge Naturals, they are so great, and got myself a little bottle of the capsules. Let's hope it helps!
Other than that development, I am happy to announce that I am becoming very busy with work. Illustration and freelance artistic endeavors have been tying me up, and I love it. I can go back to planning for my career in drawing pictures all day. What a wonderful thing. Thanks to everyone who has kept me going when everything felt too overwhelming to move on from. You guys are totally awesome.
I hope that you have a wonderful Tuesday.
Dance around if you can, I miss that very much right now. I'm working on my shoulder shimmy in the mean time.